IP Logger Spammer

IP Logger Spammer


Have you ever had people spam you with obvious IP logging links? Well, I have and it started to annoy me. Then I came up with a brilliant idea to annoy them back by spamming proxy IP addresses with custom user-agents to fill up their logs. So I decided to make a quick python script and show you guys an example of how it works.

First things first, we need a list of active proxy IP addresses, for this purpose I will be requiring a proxy that supports HTTPS.


After the proxy list has been set up, now to the user-agent list. Here I like to get cheeky sometimes and leave custom messages, but for the sake of showing you guys an example, I’ll just name it useragent 1-5.


Now to actually look at the tool itself.

By doing “python3 spammer.py -h” OR “python3 spammer.py –help”, you can view the help page.

python3 spammer.py -h || python3 spammer.py –help


-h –help : displays help message

-p –proxy : proxy IP list

-a –useragent : user-agent list

-u –url : The URL of the IP logger

So now that we know all the arguments, we can use the tool!


To show an example of what would happen when the tool fails, I came up with a random invalid proxy address. As you can see on the 4th logging, it displays an error message saying it saved the error logs as argvLog.txt.


And now to check if the spamming worked correctly.

Log of the IP logger

The IPs in the picture may differ from the list above, I had to play around with some proxy IP addresses. But other than that, we can see that the tool worked perfectly fine!

I can definitely add some more upgrades and functions to the tool but it did what I needed it to do and didn’t see a reason to make it more advanced since I only made this to annoy some people… I will be uploading the source code on my github when I get the chance!

Thank you




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